Home About us How are the menus created?

How are the menus created?

Last updated on Mar 13, 2024

We change our menus weekly, taking into account the meals with the best customer reviews in the last 60 days. Our menu is designed to have at least one option of each of the following: white meat, red meat, fish, and a vegan/vegetarian option.

Our meals are cooked each day and delivered during the same time slot, ready to eat!

In addition, we have starters, soups, drinks and desserts with different prices. If you need to include cutlery, there is also an option for that!
In the end, the final cost will include both the food and our delivery service.

Our tech team builds predictive models to create the perfect menu. Our algorithm makes calculations based on sales history, special events and, of course, what we believe is the best possible service to our customers. And there's no better way for us to improve than to listen to our customers.

That's why we send a follow-up email after you get the order, asking forĀ your rating. Let us know your opinion!